is a tool that constructs Gene Regulatory Networks based on pattern-matching (the output of matrix-scan
) from a list of genes and transcription factors (TFs) of interest, it outputs the Complete Network (i.e. the network with all the genes and TFs), the Only-TFs Network (where the network is reduced to have only TFs as nodes), and Indirect Interactions (which tells you all the direct interactions of three nodes).
When given an input network, network-interactions
also compares it with the Complete Network, thereby outlining the interactions that were present in both networks, and the interactions that were only found in one network. This can be used with intentions of method integration, interaction filtering, method comparison, etc. It is of particular interest when two different methods for network reconstruction give results in common, for those particular results are assumed to be more robust and thereby, more reliable.
: is the RSAT program that searches for instances of one or several motifs in a given set of DNA sequences.
Here is an example of how the supplied list should look:
This file must indicate the genome coordinates (from a given genome assembly version, specified later) of the regulatory sequences of all the genes of your interest including TFs genes, e.g. the enhancer or the promoter coordinates.
The format should include the main three columns of a BED file; i.e. the chromosome, the start position of the coordinates and the ending position of the coordinates; as the fourth column, the name of the genes that are regulated by the elements on the specified coordinates should be indicated.
Here is an example of how the “Regulatory Sequences BED File” should look:
chr5 48408564 48409521 YY1
chr6 16647794 16648794 PAX2
chr6 16647794 16648794 PAX2
chr1 25506475 25507372 FOXP2
chr2 76546909 76547588 DNAH5
More information about the BED file format can be found here.
This is the genome version that is being referred in the coordinates above. This genome version should be also available in the UCSC Genome Browser.
The selected genome is the one you used as a reference in the bioinformatic analysis (the alignment of the reads to the genome reference) of your experiments, e.g. in an RNA-seq experiment.
You can check if the genome version you require is available in the form of this program, jump to section Fill the form > Mandatory Options > Step 4.
You may also supply a previously done network (from any other program and by any other method) in case you want to compare or filter the output of this program and the one you used before.
The format should have one gene-gene or TF-gene interaction per row, where the first one (probably) regulates the second one.
The input network should look like this (this example is only illustrative):
Go to network-interactions
’s form .
Note: The program wont run if the mandatory sections are not completely filled.
Click on the squares at the left to complete the form.
Note: You may stop filling the form at this point.
Fill this section in case you want to compare an input network to the one made by this program.
This program uses as default the following options:
JASPAR’s 2020 nonredundant vertebrate collection
JASPAR is a database of curated, non-redundant transcription factor binding profiles stored as position frequency matrices (PFMs) [1] or motifs, as referred to here. From this collection, network-interactions
will choose the motifs that correspond to your transcription factors of interest. This motifs will be scanned through the regulatory sequences provided in order to find instances of putative physical interactions between the TFs of your interest and the genes in the network.
a matrix-scan score lower threshold
of 5
Recall that matrix-scan
is the program used to find instances of putative physical interactions between transcription factors and a given set of DNA sequences that this program uses internally. In order to keep only reliable TF-gene interactions, a default minimum score of 5 has been set. This score reduces the false-positves.
You may want to change these default options when:
pval upper threshold
lower.More notes and suggestions:
In case you want to change the default database, just click on ‘JASPAR 2020 nonredundant vertebrate’ and select one of the available motif databases of your choice.
In case you want to change the score lower threshold
just click on the section and change the number.
p-val threshold
just click on the section and type the number.If you want to see the result in the same page, you may leave the option ‘server’ and click ‘GO’.
If you prefer to have the results sent to your mail via a link, select ‘mail’, type your mail and click ‘GO’.
Click on the link.