; classfreq  -v 1 -i Trypanosoma_cruzi_marinkellei.ASM30049v1.34_gene_lengths.tab -ci 50 -from 0 -o Trypanosoma_cruzi_marinkellei.ASM30049v1.34_gene_length_distrib.tab
;	min                 	minimum of class interval (inclusive)
;	max                 	maximum of class interval (exclusive)
;	center              	center of class interval
;	n                   	occurrences
;	n_cum               	cumulative occurrences (inclusive)
;	n_dcum              	decreasing cumulative occurrences (inclusive)
;	f                   	frequencies
;	f_cum               	cumulative frequencies (inclusive)
;	f_dcum              	decreasing cumulative frequencies (inclusive)
#[min	max[	center	n	n_cum	n_dcum	f	f_cum	f_dcum
0	50	25	0	0	0
; Statistics:
; -----------
; input file	Trypanosoma_cruzi_marinkellei.ASM30049v1.34_gene_lengths.tab
; class interval     	50
; classes            	2
; count              	0
; min                	0
; max                	0
; range              	0
; Host name	rsat01
; Job started	2017-02-27.074940
; Job done	2017-02-27.074940
; Seconds	0.18
;	user	0.18
;	system	0.01
;	cuser	0
;	csystem	0