-- dump date 20240506_002209 -- class Genbank::Contig -- table contig -- table main -- field 1 id -- field 2 chromosome -- field 3 date -- field 4 dblink -- field 5 file -- field 6 form -- field 7 length -- field 8 mol_type -- field 9 organism -- field 10 reference -- field 11 seq_dir -- field 12 strain -- field 13 taxid -- field 14 taxo_group -- field 15 type -- field 16 type_material -- header -- id chromosome date dblink file form length mol_type organism reference seq_dir strain taxid taxo_group type type_material NC_002689.2 NC_002689.2 04-APR-2024 BioProject: PRJNA224116 BioSample: SAMD00061089BioProject: PRJNA224116 BioSample: SAMD00061089 Assembly: GCF_000011185.1 NC_002689.2.raw circular 1584804 genomic DNA Thermoplasma volcanium GSS1 1 Kawashima-Ohya,Y., Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K.,1 Kawashima-Ohya,Y., Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K., Kawamoto,T., Nunoshiba,T., Yamamoto,Y., Aramaki,H., Makino,K. and1 Kawashima-Ohya,Y., Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K., Kawamoto,T., Nunoshiba,T., Yamamoto,Y., Aramaki,H., Makino,K. and Suzuki,M.1 Kawashima-Ohya,Y., Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K., Kawamoto,T., Nunoshiba,T., Yamamoto,Y., Aramaki,H., Makino,K. and Suzuki,M. sequence of Thermoplasma volcanium2 Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K., Amano,N., Ohya,Y., Makino,K.2 Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K., Amano,N., Ohya,Y., Makino,K. and Suzuki,M.2 Watanabe,K., Yamazaki,M., Kanehori,K., Amano,N., Ohya,Y., Makino,K. and Suzuki,M. volvanium GSS13 (bases 1 to 1584804) of Bioscience and Human-Technology, Centre of Structural Biology;3 (bases 1 to 1584804) of Bioscience and Human-Technology, Centre of Structural Biology; Higashi 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0046, Japan URL3 (bases 1 to 1584804) of Bioscience and Human-Technology, Centre of Structural Biology; Higashi 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0046, Japan URL :http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/archaic/ /space23/rsat/rsat/public_html/data/genomes/Thermoplasma_volcanium_GSS1_GCF_000011185.1_ASM1118v1/genome GSS1 273116 CON DNA type strain of Thermoplasma volcanium