-- dump date 20170509_025323 -- class Genbank::Contig -- table contig_comment -- id comment NW_017263581.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947404. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263582.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947405. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263583.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947406. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263584.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947407. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263585.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947408. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263586.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947409. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263587.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947410. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263588.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947411. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263589.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947412. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263590.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947413. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263591.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947414. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263592.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947415. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263593.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947416. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263594.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947417. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263595.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947418. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263596.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947419. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263597.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947420. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263598.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947421. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263599.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947422. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263600.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947423. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263601.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947424. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263602.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947425. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263603.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947426. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263604.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947427. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263605.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947428. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263606.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947429. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263607.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947430. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263608.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947431. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263609.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947432. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263610.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947433. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263611.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947434. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263612.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947435. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263613.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947436. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263614.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947437. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263615.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947438. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263616.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947439. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263617.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947440. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263618.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947441. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263619.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947442. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263620.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947443. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263621.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947444. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263622.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947445. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263623.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947446. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263624.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947447. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263625.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947448. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263626.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947449. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263627.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947450. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263628.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947451. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## NW_017263629.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947452. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263630.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947453. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263631.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947454. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263632.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947455. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263633.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947456. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263634.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947457. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263635.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947458. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263636.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947459. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263637.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947460. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263638.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947461. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263639.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947462. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263640.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947463. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263641.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947464. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263642.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947465. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263643.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947466. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263644.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947467. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263645.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947468. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263646.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947469. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263647.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947470. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263648.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947471. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263649.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947472. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263650.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947473. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END## NW_017263651.1 PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to finalPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal CulturesPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca)PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by thePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data toPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of thisPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborativePROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis.PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376).PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START##PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5xPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: IlluminaPROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical to KQ947474. URL -- http://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phisc1 JGI Project ID: 1027008 The DNA was provided by Allison Walker(Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) The strain is available from Canadian Collection of Fungal Cultures (DAOMC 229536) Contacts: Allison . Walker (Allison.Walker@acadiau.ca) Assembly and annotation done by JGI. The JGI and collaborators endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analysis. (http://www.genome.gov/page.cfm?pageID=10506376). ##Metadata-START## Organism Display Name :: Phialocephala scopiformis CBS 120377 GOLD Stamp ID :: Gp0046824 ##Metadata-END## ##Genome-Assembly-Data-START## Assembly Method :: Allpaths-LG v. R36892 Assembly Name :: Phisc1 Genome Coverage :: 80.5x Sequencing Technology :: Illumina ##Genome-Assembly-Data-END##