; oligo-analysis -type dna -l 3 -return occ,freq -v -format wc -1str -sort -i $RSAT/public_html/data/genomes/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34/genome/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34_start_codons.wc -o $RSAT/public_html/data/genomes/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34/genome/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34_start_codon_frequencies.tab ; Citation: van Helden et al. (1998). J Mol Biol 281(5), 827-42. ; Program version 1.169 ; Slow counting mode ; Oligomer length 3 ; Input file $RSAT/public_html/data/genomes/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34/genome/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34_start_codons.wc ; Input format wc ; Output file $RSAT/public_html/data/genomes/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34/genome/Lucilia_cuprina.ASM118794v1.34_start_codon_frequencies.tab ; Count overlapping matches ; Counted on a single strand ; Background model Bernoulli ; Background estimation method ; Sequence type DNA ; Nb of sequences 65535 ; Sum of sequence lengths 196605 ; discarded residues 3 (other letters than ACGT) ; discarded occurrences 1 (contain discarded residues) ; nb possible positions 65534 ; total oligo occurrences 65534 ; alphabet size 4 ; nb possible oligomers 64 ; oligomers tested for significance 0 ; ; column headers ; 1 seq oligomer sequence ; 2 id oligomer identifier ; 3 obs_freq observed relative frequency ; 4 occ observed occurrences #seq id obs_freq occ atg atg 0.2274697103793 14907 att att 0.0446333201086 2925 aaa aaa 0.0383465071566 2513 gtt gtt 0.0331888790551 2175 ata ata 0.0298623615223 1957 aat aat 0.0289468062380 1897 ttt ttt 0.0277718436232 1820 gaa gaa 0.0240028077029 1573 atc atc 0.0221564378796 1452 tta tta 0.0199743644520 1309 gtg gtg 0.0195623645741 1282 gta gta 0.0194097720267 1272 gat gat 0.0175023651845 1147 ctt ctt 0.0170293282876 1116 gtc gtc 0.0169225135044 1109 aac aac 0.0164952543718 1081 caa caa 0.0162663655507 1066 ttg ttg 0.0158238471633 1037 aca aca 0.0145268105106 952 tat tat 0.0137638477737 902 gct gct 0.0126194036683 827 act act 0.0124820703757 818 gca gca 0.0122531815546 803 ggt ggt 0.0120548112430 790 aga aga 0.0119937742241 786 ctg ctg 0.0118259224219 775 ttc ttc 0.0117496261483 770 cat cat 0.0113528855251 744 cta cta 0.0110782189398 726 agt agt 0.0106662190619 699 gcc gcc 0.0096591082492 633 tgt tgt 0.0093539231544 613 ctc ctc 0.0091860713523 602 acc acc 0.0088198492386 578 aag aag 0.0086519974364 567 gac gac 0.0085299233985 559 tga tga 0.0085146641438 558 cca cca 0.0084383678701 553 tgg tgg 0.0083010345775 544 agc agc 0.0082552568133 541 tac tac 0.0081484420301 534 tct tct 0.0077211828974 506 taa taa 0.0076601458785 502 tca tca 0.0073702200385 483 gag gag 0.0071108127079 466 tgc tgc 0.0069582201605 456 cct cct 0.0069124423963 453 cac cac 0.0068361461226 448 agg agg 0.0068056276131 446 gga gga 0.0065004425184 426 acg acg 0.0059968871120 393 ggc ggc 0.0057374797815 376 tcc tcc 0.0054780724509 359 ccc ccc 0.0050965910825 334 cag cag 0.0050813318278 333 cgt cgt 0.0049439985351 324 gcg gcg 0.0048524430067 318 ccg ccg 0.0039674062319 260 cga cga 0.0034333323160 225 cgc cgc 0.0034333323160 225 tcg tcg 0.0031891842402 209 ggg ggg 0.0027466658528 180 cgg cgg 0.0023804437391 156 tag tag 0.0021973326823 144 ; Host name n52 ; Job started 2017-04-15.084438 ; Job done 2017-04-15.084439 ; Seconds 0.76 ; user 0.76 ; system 0.03 ; cuser 0 ; csystem 0