-- dump date 20120504_140600 -- class Genbank::Contig -- table contig -- table main -- field 1 id -- field 2 date -- field 3 file -- field 4 form -- field 5 genbank_file -- field 6 length -- field 7 organism -- field 8 reference -- field 9 seq_dir -- field 10 taxid -- field 11 taxo_group -- field 12 type -- header -- id date file form genbank_file length organism reference seq_dir taxid taxo_group type NC_002163.1 20-JAN-2012 NC_002163.1.raw circular NC_002163.gbk 1641481 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168 = ATCC 700819 1 Wren,B.W.1 Wren,B.W. genome sequence2 Basham,D., Chillingworth,T., Davies,R.M., Feltwell,T., Holroyd,S.,2 Basham,D., Chillingworth,T., Davies,R.M., Feltwell,T., Holroyd,S., Jagels,K., Karlyshev,A.V., Moule,S., Pallen,M.J., Penn,C.W.,2 Basham,D., Chillingworth,T., Davies,R.M., Feltwell,T., Holroyd,S., Jagels,K., Karlyshev,A.V., Moule,S., Pallen,M.J., Penn,C.W., Quail,M.A., Rajandream,M.A., Rutherford,K.M., van Vliet,A.H.,2 Basham,D., Chillingworth,T., Davies,R.M., Feltwell,T., Holroyd,S., Jagels,K., Karlyshev,A.V., Moule,S., Pallen,M.J., Penn,C.W., Quail,M.A., Rajandream,M.A., Rutherford,K.M., van Vliet,A.H., Whitehead,S. and Barrell,B.G.2 Basham,D., Chillingworth,T., Davies,R.M., Feltwell,T., Holroyd,S., Jagels,K., Karlyshev,A.V., Moule,S., Pallen,M.J., Penn,C.W., Quail,M.A., Rajandream,M.A., Rutherford,K.M., van Vliet,A.H., Whitehead,S. and Barrell,B.G. reveals hypervariable sequences3 (bases 1 to 1641481) Information, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA4 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,4 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA. In Collaboration with the Pathogen4 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA. In Collaboration with the Pathogen Molecular Biology Department at The London School of Hygiene &4 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA. In Collaboration with the Pathogen Molecular Biology Department at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT.4 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA. In Collaboration with the Pathogen Molecular Biology Department at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT. E-mail:ozan.gundogdu@lshtm.ac.uk5 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,5 (bases 1 to 1641481) sequencing team, Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA E-mail: parkhill@sanger.ac.uk /software/CC/bio/opt/rsat/rsa-tools//public_html/data/genomes/Campylobacter_jejuni_NCTC_11168_uid57587/genome 192222 BCT DNA